Abhilash Malayil completed his PhD thesis at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT-Mandi, India. Since 2014, he studied with Dr. Manu V Devadevan and his doctoral project dealt with the eighteenth century political economy of Malabar Coast, South-Western India.
He is interested in the history of sharecropping,landed property and rural markets in Early Modern South India. Now he is working a book manuscript on the instruments of money-credit and farm-labor during the late eighteenth century. In the NEEM project, he is examining the Malayalam texts, Vyavahāramāla and Haryakṣamāsa Samarōtsavam,in an attempt to read them as indicators of Early Modern cultural change. He is also interested in the Tōttam poems from north Malabar, and nowworking on annotated translations of the Songs of Vayanāṭṭukulavań and Vēṭṭkkorumakań.