1 New verse forms and their theorization Each of the four types of பா (called பாவகை) has a kindred பா called பாவினம் (இனம் derived from ஈன் has the sense ‘of the same birth or origin). பாவினம் is born out of பா, it has family resemblance to the corresponding பா. Each பாவினம் has family resemblance with பா in the sense that it shares the same metrical structure –the origin, but shows features exploding the structure. The sharing may be minimal; nevertheless the umbilical cord is not severed. பாவினம் is different from the sub-types of the பா (called பாவிரி ‘பா extension’), which are based on the variability of the metrical structure of the major types but also allows the presence of the metrical features of other பாs. For example, குறள் வெண்பா is that வெண்பா that has two metrical lines and it is an example of variability; கலிவெண்பா or வெண்கலிப்பா is that கலிப்பா that has the metrical features of வெண்பா (or வெண்பா that has a கலி feature, கலித்தளை to be specific, and it is an example of boundary crossing (மயக்கம்). இனம், on the other hand, expands the features of the பா and reworks them.